Travel Halifax

Travel Photography | Halifax, Peggy's Cove and Lunenburg

Happy Friday!!

In May, Adam and I flew to the maritimes to explore the east coast! I split the images into 3 posts so enjoy part 1!

For the biggest city in the maritime provinces, Halifax was pretty tiny. We walked everywhere! The history in this city was incredible. There were gravestones and churches that were dated as far back as 1715!

My FAVOURITE place was Peggy’s Cove. One of our days in Halifax, we rented a little tiny car and drove out to Peggy’s Cove. The locals told us that on really windy days, the water splashes up so high the water is taller than the lighthouse! We weren't that lucky to see that but it was still an amazing place! Especially to watch the sunset!

After visiting Peggy’s Cove, we took our time driving down the coast to a small little fishing town and historical site! Lunenburg was beautiful! All the house and buildings were different colors so the sailors could find home in the fog!
