Wedding Photographer Jasper

The Best of 2018


I know I’m a bit late to the games, but I have complied a few of my favourite photos from 2018 to share with you! This year was AMAZING! I got to work with so many incredible families and couples. I also got to travel to the east coast and have some time for a relaxing vacation in the Dominican Republic. Not to mention all the amazing weddings I photographed!

I am beyond excited to start 2019 and to work with more amazing couples and families!

I wish everyone the best 2019 has to offer and endless happiness!


Jasper Wedding Photography | Vanessa and Remi

Hello Friends!

Vanessa and Remi got married on a beautiful day in August. They chose the Overlander Lodge as their wedding venue, which is just outside of the Jasper park gates. It was a beautiful day from start to finish!


Images Captured while associate shooting for the lovely Redtree Photography


Kyle and Shannon | Edmonton Destination Wedding Photographer


Today on the blog we have Kyle and Shannon. They had a beautiful Jasper wedding back in August. This crew was such a blast to work with! They had a nice, hilarious ceremony, beautiful locations for formals and a fun reception. 

I wish them all the best in the years to come! 




Aujourd'hui, sur le blog nous avons Kyle et Shannon. Ils avaient une belle Jasper mariage retour en août. Cette groupe était tellement amusante de travailler avec! Ils avaient une belle cérémonie, de beaux endroits pour formais et une réception amusante. 

Je leur souhaite tout le meilleur dans les années à venir!


Second Shooting For: Brandi Claire Photography
